Fiera delle Grazie – 15 Agosto 2023

Fiera delle Grazie – 15 Agosto 2023

The ancient popular event that takes place annually in Grazie, a hamlet in the municipality of Curtatone, will again this year see the enthusiasm of the faithful, curious and devotees ready to walk to the parvis of Grazie. Between stalls, rides and the typical...
Fiera dei Mangiari from 15 to 25 June 2023

Fiera dei Mangiari from 15 to 25 June 2023

The summer appointment with the Antica Fiera dei Mangiari returns to Mantua, one of the most loved summer events by the Mantuans. From 15 to 25 June 2023, Lungolago Gonzaga will host forty food stands in an exceptional location. The stands will be open from 6pm to...
The Emperor and the Duke Charles V in Mantua

The Emperor and the Duke Charles V in Mantua

The dossier exhibition The Emperor and the Duke Charles V in Mantua, at Palazzo Te from 24 March to 25 June 2023, offers the public a reflection on the cultural sense of contemporary Europe starting from the figure of Charles V and his alliance relations with the...
Friendship Walk – 7 May 2023

Friendship Walk – 7 May 2023

The friendship Walk, organized by the Association Casa del Sole Onlus of San Silvestro of Curtatone (MN), comes back in its traditional historical form.This Event, born to walk together and promote the culture of inclusion and integration in the territory of Mantua,...
Festival dei Risotti e dei Lambruschi

Festival dei Risotti e dei Lambruschi

From 14 April to 14 May 2023, the city of Mantua will see five weekends to discover risotto, lambrusco, beer and much more. “Festa dei Risotti e dei Lambruschi” will take place at the Grana Padano arena, in collaboration with the Mantuan cuisine...